Wide Energy Wing Span
Healing Through Release
A gentle non-invasive form of body and energy therapy that works through the nervous system.
In a session we might use slow movements and positioning of the body to promote comfort and ease and in this way facilitate the release of painful patterns. The body will understand more clearly what it has been doing, so that it self-corrects and re-learns or remembers how to heal. A session can include trauma release, structural balance, organ work, cranial work, neuro-lymphatic work - there is not an area or a layer in the physical, emotional, energetic body that cannot be addressed by Ortho-Bionomy. Besides direct physical contact, Ortho-Bionomy includes different modes of working off the body.
Each session is individually shaped. If you wish I will suggest home exercises to further neuromuscular re-education.
Somatic Cranial Sacral Therapy
Ortho-Bionomy includes cranial work. My additional certification in Somatic Cranial Sacral Therapy allows precise work with the cranio-sacral system and its different tides.
Psych-K® stands for Psychological Kinesiology. Kinesiology is used to communicate with the subconscious beliefs that are often the cause of self-sabotaging behaviors, a block to healing, and they might impact your life at a cellular level. In a session these blocks are identified and replaced by positive thought patterns.
Family Constellations
There are times when it is helpful to have a look at the "family soul" or ancestral imprints and heal the interrupted flow of life energy / love. I facilitate Family Constellations in the tradition of Bert Hellinger in a one-on-one session.
Clean Language®
Clean Language is used to access mental and spiritual blocks. It is part of the training I received in the Findhorn Community and has something of a magical charme.
Distant Healing Sessions
I offer short distant healing sessions of 10 to 20 minutes. The first time is complementary.